Cheadle Catholic Junior School
The School Offer
At Cheadle Catholic Junior School our teachers and support staff draw on a range of strategies both inside and outside the classroom to ensure we identify and meet the needs of all the children in our care.
Our 'School Offer' is a document which outlines the three levels of support provided for pupils, based on their needs. As a school, we use a graduated approach to identify which children may need support in any of the following four areas: cognition and learning, communication and interaction, sensory and physical, social and emotional and mental health. The areas are detailed in a pyramid, which shows the range of strategies used at a 'Universal' (offered to all children), 'Targeted' (specific groups of children) and 'Individualised' level.
Some children may require a more individualised plan which may involve teachers and parents working together to create a SEN support plan which identifies spercific targets and strategies for the child. If a child has more complex needs and all other areas of support have already been explored, then an application to the Local Authority for an Education and health care plan may be required.
An example of the Social, Emotional and Mental Health pyramid is provided below. Full pyramid details are on the sub-links.